5,6% Conversion Rate

eXXpozed Success Story
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About eXXpozed

eXXpozed is the specialist for outdoor sports. The onlineshop offers outdoor clothing, ski fashion and mountain sports equipment of the top brands for all who like to be outside. The online retailer can look back on more than 20 years of experience in mountain sports. A constantly growing range of manufacturers with the latest technologies characterize the product range of eXXpozed.

Personalized Direct Mails
at eXXpozed

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Conversion Rate

The redemption rate of individual vouchers reaches up to 5.6% on average.

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higher shopping carts

The average basket of reactivated customers is up to 25% higher than the AOV.

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Reduction in effort

Intelligent use of customer data without additional manual effort.

Sucessful reactivation of customers who have not shopped for more than 6 months.




53, Mountain biker


32, likes hiking


45, Camping Fan


As diverse as outdoor sports are, so are the interests of athletes. In order to successfully reactivate inactive customers, the challenge is to select the relevant product suggestions from the wide range. Only when the customer's needs are met they return to the online store.

Why adnymics?

With personalized direct mails, eXXpozed reaches each customer individually according to their activity type. The personal product recommendations are based on the purchase history in the preferred color, at the right season and with suitable cross-selling offers. This way, eXXpozed optimally meets the specific interests of each customer and promotes the repurchase rate.

Mehr Details zum Case?

Im Success Paper erfährst du, wie eXXpozed mit adnymics und dem Business Intelligence Anbieter minubo ihre Daten intelligent nutzt, um Direct Mails zu einem 1:1 personalisiertem Erlebnis zu machen. 

eXXpozed Success Story