After 90 days break-even
About ratioform
Founded in 1979, ratioform® is Germany's market leader in the trade with packaging for shipping, warehouse and office. As Packaging Solutions Group and part of TAKKT AG, the specialist for packaging materials employs around 300 people at 11 locations across Europe. The special B2B multi-channel sales strategy enables the company's customers to handle goods safely and reliably in all areas of daily business.
Personalized Parcel Inserts
at ratioform
Gross profit increase
For customers who received a smart parcel insert from adnymics, gross profit increased significantly by 11%.
until break-even
Shortly after the start of the collaboration, the costs including the onboarding fees were already recovered.
Increased repurchase rate
Compared to the previous year, the average number of orders from customers who received a parcel insert increased by 16 percent.
The adnymics parcel inserts achieved a conversion rate of 3 percent.
The sale of products to corporate customers presents retailers with completely different challenges, particularly in terms of targeted customer communication, than is familiar from consumer-oriented business. Thus, ratioform® was also looking for a solution that would allow the company to efficiently meet the special requirements - starting with the complex process chains, the consideration of framework agreements, individual price structures with existing customers, and the use of e-procurement.
Why adnymics?
The personalized parcel inserts from adnymics met the special requirements of the packaging specialist perfectly: Every ratioform® customer receives further information on the ordered products with their delivery. Thanks to a personal address on the front page of the brochure, individual cross-selling recommendations and editorial content relevant to the recipient, the market leader was able to increase not only customer loyalty but also the repurchase rate of its customers.
Want some examples?
Experience it for yourself: the good feeling of holding samples of our personalized parcel inserts and direct mails in your hands!
Individual pricing
Sounds smart? Is smart! Calculate the price for your individual case!