SETON is the distribution division of the American Brady Corporation and is one of the world's leading suppliers of security and marking products. Over 70,000 products can be found in the online-shop and catalog for the DACH region. The range includes marking and operational signage of all kinds, as well as products for commercial safety and operational needs. SETON is a supplier for over 350,000 customers from industry, medicine, trade and administration.
In comparison to traditional advertising
the personalized parcel inserts & direct mails reached:
Response Rate
higher profit per advertising medium through targeted product recommendation from the upper price segment
Increase of the
average order value
Uplift of sales through the interaction of both intelligent print products.
Personalized Direct Mails
Personalized Parcel Inserts
SETON's product range includes a variety of products from very different specific areas. In order to serve the different interests and requirements of each customer in the best possible way, a solution had to be found that would meet the company's demand for individual and high-quality customer service.
Why adnymics?
Mit personalisierten Paketbeilagen gelingt es SETON jedem Kunden nach dem Kauf beratend zur Seite zu stehen. Seit 2019 sind diese erfolgreich im Einsatz. Somit fasste das Unternehmen schnell den Entschluss auch unsere personalisierten Direct Mails in ihren Marketing-Mix aufzunehmen. Durch den Einsatz der Direct Mailings rundet das Unternehmen die Personalisierung der Customer Journey vollständig ab. So erreichen sie jeden Kunden individuell und zum genau richtigen Zeitpunkt entlang des Lifecycles.

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Experience the feeling of holding our personalized parcel inserts and direct mailings!
Individual pricing
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