25% Shopping cart increasement

About foodspring
Seit 2013 steht foodspring® für bewusste Ernährung und gesunde Fitness. Functional Food auf das nächste Level zu bringen war und ist das Mantra des Consumer Brands. Dafür konzentriert sich das Berliner Unternehmen auf persönliche Ansprache: Mit individuell zugeschnittenen Produktempfehlungen passend zum Fitnessziel der User und hochwertigen Beratungsformaten im Content-Bereich bietet foodspring® jedem Kunden genau den Fitnessservice, den er braucht und welcher für ihn relevant ist.
Personalized Parcel Inserts
at foodspring
more second purchases from new customers
6 percent of new customers who received coupon codes in their first-time orders redeemed them for another order in the store.
higher shopping carts
Customers who received adnymics inserts bought more: shopping carts were 25% larger than the foodspring average
6% of Foodspring® new customers purchased again due to the insert.
foodspring® was already using parcel inserts before using adnymics. But the static inserts did not serve the personalized consulting nature of foodspring®. It was not possible to address each customer personally. Therefore, the fitness food specialist was looking for a solution that could be used internationally, with which each customer could receive individual advisory content, recipes that matched their order, and product recommendations tailored to them, thus improving customer loyalty.
Why adnymics?
The personalized parcel inserts from adnymics met foodspring®'s requirements to the letter: every customer receives further information on the products ordered with their delivery. With a personal approach, individual content and highly relevant editorial content, foodspring® extends its advisory character into the parcel and was thus able to increase customer loyalty in the long term. The flexible system also makes it easy to create parcel inserts in 7 languages for shipment to 11 countries.

Want some examples?
Experience it for yourself: the good feeling of holding samples of our personalized parcel inserts and direct mails in your hands!
Individual pricing
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