double repurchase rate

Babor personaisierte Paketbeilagen
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The leading international brand for professional cosmetics has been relying on skin care expertise made in Germany for more than 60 years. Every product is a promise of quality and stands for science, precision and effect. The BABOR BEAUTY GROUP is a third-generation family business, employs over 600 people worldwide and is represented by distributors in more than 70 countries.

Personalized Parcel Inserts

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higher shopping carts

Existing customers who received a parcel insert ordered with 10% higher shopping carts than existing customers without a personalized insert.


repurchase rate 

New customers who received a parcel insert were twice as likely to place another order than new customers without a personalized insert.

Expansion of content strategy

Through segment-specific relevant content, the customer receives added value and thus perceives BABOR as a valuable brand also outside the online store.

Higher repurchase rates and shopping baskets through personalized parcel inserts


BABOR should be the first choice for premium skin care among its global customers - not easy in a market with lively competition for an attractive target group. To achieve this, it is essential to stand out from the competitors and offer customers relevant added value. As individual as the needs of the skin are, so are the demands of the customers to whom it is necessary to respond.

Why adnymics?

With intelligent product recommendations, BABOR stands out from standardized recommendations for the masses and can respond individually to each customer. The additional inspiring content promotes the brand experience and emotionalization. An attractive personal incentive brings customers back to their own online store and increases repurchase frequency.

BABOR about adnymics

Want some examples?

Experience it for yourself: the good feeling of holding samples of our personalized parcel inserts and direct mails in your hands!

Individual pricing

Sounds smart? Is smart! Calculate the price for your individual case!